Aguila - 66 miles

As we sit at our superb campside in Aguila, two teenagers frolic about. These cats were even bold enough to enter our tents. This is a pleasent end to a long day. We went 66 miles and gained 1300 ft. The gradient, however, was much easier than the first set of mountains coming out of San Diego. Except for a few moments, it didn't even seem like there was a hill. Tomorrow should be a piece of cake. This is good news to my knees. Fortunately my hands are improving since I adjusted my handle bars. The time change and the long day has thrown us off because we are both still up at 10:40. While John was holding down the fort, I rode into town and gave the Hinkel's a call. We didn't want to surprise the folks in Surprise by getting there a day early. Please excuse the pun. The cafe in Wenden was distinctly in the middle of nowhere. It reminded me of Sitka. The woman working there, who I would venture to guess is the owner, ran from the earthquakes in California to Arizona. Everyone in the desert seems to be running from something. They are used-to-be's. The t-shirt in the Hope gas station said "Your beyond hope". Luckily the sin on the road said "you're". The last 15 miles to Aguila, which were mostly in the dark, were a fun last push. That was the deal. If we stayed in Quartzsite, then I would willingly push the next two long days to Surprise. It was a good deal because they day riding into Quartzsite was dreadfully hot.
