Dauphin Island - 55.03 miles

The moral fabric of this country is torn. That's what Jim, a Gideon heading up to the prson for the day, said. The prisons are breeding grounds for Islam and they trun out radicals who go to mosks right after they get out. The only way to solve the problem in Iraq is to blow the whole place up. this all I learned from the man who used to go talk about oil drilling at Berkley but not too often because they'd come after him. The whole west coast is radical. Then I rode to Dauphin Island wher I was met by Brown Pelicans, a nasty headwind, and Anne from South Dakota. My neighbor for the night fed me dinner and showed me around the island where she used to live. She took me to the west end where all the foolish people are rebuilding their houses on the sand. "the rains came down and the floods came up and the house on the rock stood firm". After showering, Anne and I watched A Good Year. Nothing like a classic-vineyard-run the girl off the road-try to drown the guy-fall in...