Austin: Day 4 - 14.36 miles

The pace of the city is fast and Oscar wanted me to see everything. One minute we were riding around Town Lake and the next we were waiting for the bats to emerge from Congress Bridge. We ate at a pizza place not called Vinny's with Ron Leon. He sells software. Everyone has a day job. Ron declined the invitation to ride to Bastrop with Oscar and I tomorrow. FOr this triathlete, it would be too much. We walked the streets taking in St. Patrick's Day color and Marvin Gaye cover bands. Let's get it on. Tired we wove through the stand still traffic with a breeze-like-flourish and chatted till Jenifer came home. It was midnight and we all needed to sleep. I quickly packed up my gear freshly reorganized with the help of more dividend purchased ditty bags from REI. It all packs a bit cleaner. It should load nicely on my clena bike with a fresh rim. 7.1 ave - 22.9 max - 1616.8 odo - 2:01:01 time