Alpine - 29.51 miles
How do I explain the day's events? We're staying in an under-construction adobe because of Dr. Bronners. At the Alpine Library I overheard that the Agave Natural Foods was having their grand opening even though it had been in business for three years. I inquired, because I needed a refil on my soap.
"What kind?" she asked.
"Dr. Bronners."
"Yes actually. I use it to brush my teeth and wash my hair."
"Well I have a bunch do you want some?"
"If it's no trouble."
She went of and returned 45 minutes later with her quarter full gallon jug. SHe filled up my bottle and somehow she offered to let us stay at the adobe. No showers, but it has a toilet and a wood floor. She, Tanya, was at the library with her brother, Dominique, and after we had settled our business on the internet, he showed us the way to the adobe.We followed him and his wee daughter, Lila, carrying a stuffed cheetah she nearly forgot in the library, in their jeep. Lila was from his second marriage. Later we all went to Blues (minus the children). It was while I was playing pool with Dominique that I asked him why he went through wives like most people go through cars. Good conversation followed and I kept losing even though Dom wasn't much more skilled than I. Te happy birthday song played and we decided it was time to head to bed. We've been feeling a little sleep deprived. Tanya pointed us in the direction of home. This meant climbing down under the train tressle. A locomotive was stopped on the tracks and would be for hours as border control checked its contents.
10.0 ave - 42.2 max - 1118.9 odo - 2:57:00 time
You're about halfway now, aren't you?
not quite halfway yet. I think austin is halfway.