Chocolate Mountains - 43 miles

I sat looking up at the stars. I thought of Rob. He loves stars. I was with him for three months and I did enjoy him. Relationships are beautiful and complex. John and I seem to be traveling well together... so far. I almost had to bust his ass to campu up here in the Chocolate Mountains(pics to follow). Eventually I just made the decision for myself. But, he decided to follow me off the road.
The stars are out in full force with the aircraft bouncing around between them. A helicopter was no more than about 100m above us. No doubt it checked us out. I wouldn't be half surprised if a border patrol truck came rolling up in the middle of the night to check us out. Out heat signatures are all over the place.
We went through the sand dunes. On the right were dirt bikes and four wheelers. On the left was vegetation. The difference was quite remarkable and disappointing. The five points on my body that are in contact with the bike hurt. They're still getting broken in.
Any ideas?
By the way I got your message (and your mother's comment, thank you Alicia (sp?) for passing that on) and I'm glad you're doing well. I love stars too. I imagine you're sore. That's somewhat to be expected. You'll break yourself in. Your five points will be ready for anything! (That may be good or bad...)
Relationships are complex. You have a lot of good sense though from what I've seen so far. You'll find someone. I almost guarantee it.
Miss you and I love reading about your adventures. I'm amazed you've found so much internet access. Perhaps the world really is becoming more connected than we'd previously anticipated.
I'll call again soon.