Mesilla - 60.51 miles

Aside from the time spent changing a flat while watching a tractor dispense a load of fertilizer, we did one thing. We watched the organ mountains move slowly closer. As usual, we had a late start. We didn't rise until 9. At 9:45 the Indian man who ran the hotel came in and asked if we were staying a second night. We were about ready to leave anyway. Jon made his first ever purchase from Walmart. He picked up some bananas. Last night we went in just so Jon could have a look. It felt like I had to drag him away from the toy section. He seemed impressed. I asked him if he'd seen the High Cost of Low Price. Down the street was a terminally closed local grocery store. Since we didn't leave Deming til at least 11:30, I had wire in my tire, the wind wasn't quite as much in our favor, and the shoulder was punctuated with cracks, Las Cruces didn't appear til after dark. Even though I couldn't repeat any of the street names that were given to me, it was easy enough to find Matt and Josie's place in historic Mesilla. We went out to a touristy mexican place that had a tucan and a large assortment of other parrot-like birds. The food was good and the glass of wine I'd had on an empty stomach back at the house meant that I was happy just looking at the wall decorations. I'm sure Jon said something entertaining, but if it was important he'll have to repeat it in the morning.

11.6 ave - 29 max - 837.4 odo - 5:12:35 time