Quartzite - 22 miles

We stopped early today... mostly at my request and against Jon's advice. But now he agrees that it was a good idea. We lost an hour of time going into Arizona. That makes today a short riding day. Then tomorrow we're looking at Aguila. And actually we're thinking we'll make it to Surprise on Saturday. I'll have to give Myrna and Larry a call tomorrow to keep them up to date. More decent weather, but it's hot. I'm actually missing the rain. It only took a little over a week. You can't have it all.
RV's are everywhere. They are on the road. They are in the towns. They are nestled amongst the hills. They are even in the sky. Ok... they weren't in the sky, but a plane dragging a sign advertising RV sales was in the sky. We are staying at an RV park. Camping in Aguila is RV camping. The land is pretty void of vegetation, however we are starting to see the classic cactus... you know the one that looks like a pitch fork.
Libraries. I figure that by the end of this trip I'll have stopped at at least 30 different libraries. Every one that I've been too has free internet. This library has a table full of 16 year olds arguing in a friendly manner while studying for some drivers ed test. They were amused when I asked them if we were in Quartzite. In the end I will be a library internet connoisseur.
Also of note... Quartzite must be where all the fair food trailers go for the winter. There must be hundreds of them along main street. I'm probably exaggerating, but not that much.
Car accidents, church things, walk around town, go to Mc Donalds, talk to strangers, and wait to get killed... that's what these four girls said there is to do around town for folks their age. I hope they were joking about a few of those. Church things are scary.
The librarian is going to kick me out so I must adios.