Superior - 46.18 miles

Pink pancakes and corresponding milk commemorated the national holiday as the family of nine bustled about their morning routine. I lazily laid on the couch watching one of the young boys deflate Jon's air mattress. I slowly moved about and joined the groomed bunch at the table. One asked for a pancake with wrtiging, but I don't think it was ever received. One after the next, the children made it off to school and mom and the 2 month old went for a haircut. Dad left, kissing each child one by one. In the peace of quiet suburbia, we rolled our bikes out of the we're-in-the-process-of-moving garage. Two and a half miles later, we were at a Starbucks. Jon is quite keen on them and I hadn't had any coffee. An hout later after much discussion with a pair from some sort of house garaunteeing business, we moved on. They drove a big truck and were quite facinated with Jon's stories. Most people are. At least an hour later we were on the 60 and moving away from Phoenix. We went through a bit of a pass with nonexistent shoulders and dropped down into Superior. You'd think i5t would be at a peak... Pulling up into the RV park on the west side of town instead of the east as indicated, Linda offered us her car. For an intriguing change of pace, we setup our tents, locked the manacles, and drove to the store. We fueled up for the next day and I looked forward to the canned peaches. I ate; Jon showered. It blew and then rained and blew. I borrowed Linda's cell phone. On returing it she invited me in for cookies and tea. How could I resist when it was cold outside? Moments later, we decided we should invite Jon in. Huddled, eating his canned peaches, he eagerly accepted my passed on invitation. As usual, Jon told his stories, some of which are good everytime and I will eventually know by heart. When I finally sneaked off to take my shower, Linda confided that she really didn't get to hear much about me.

4:40:51 time - 9.8 avg - 506.1 ODO


Anonymous said…
I'm still a bit confused about the characters of these stories, and the "warm showers" reference, but I have faith that all will be explained upon your return/greater time on the internet.

I was rejected from UW. Sad. But now I get to go see another part of the country. It ought to be awesome.

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