Bastrop - 37.78 miles

When I entered Nancy's apartment, she warned me about the bears. I was expecting large dogs. Instead her couch was lined with an arsenal of stuffed animals. I commented that she must not get many visitors. Her husband died five years ago and she spends most of her time at Bastrop United Pentecostal Church, where I met her. I rolled up to inquire about camping after traveling the 30 miles to Bastrop with Oscar. He took his last picture of us and rolled back via 71. I kept going and the youth were having a potato dinner fellowship after church. By the way Karen is just the sweetest 12 year old that I ever did meet and I hope she stays that way. Nancy was kind enough to invite me into her home and let me shower. I'm clean. I'm riding again. I haven't looked ahead to see where I'm going tomorrow.
4:17:47 time - 8.7 ave - 20 max - 1654.6 odo