Brackettville - 35.33 miles

bead board bathroom
Ramada bottles
cap on a string
office shower ring
I took two showers today. I feel spoiled. I drank my paper towel filtered coffee, it was ginger nut good. Ann read about the other side of George Washington as I packed. As I put on my sunscreen, I really wondered who would be the next Australian top model. It was more amusing than learning about the woman who brought plastic surgery out of the closet. The day was warm as I pedaled past Laughlin Air Force base. I read the four historical markers while eating canned peaches. Jet engines ripped apart the sky above. I thought the silence might never heal. But here I sit next to a fire nestled amongst trees at Fort Clark Springs. Sean, Sue, and Linda found me at the post office. They have permanent lots for RV's here where turkeys and deer run rampant. Harley Davidson, a year old terrier, rambled around on rope, while Linda and Sean fed me spaghetti cooked on a Coleman. They like to eat out as much as possible. When turkeys weren't lurking a few feet away, there were white tails crossing the street or cardinals sitting in the tree. At six, the women of the RV circular go walking round and round. I met Mary. But most went out to eat for the night. Susan and Stan let me check my email, while half the residents gathered in cheap lawn chairs around a bustling fire. The group eventually fizzled out with the fire after exchanging news of the day. One man piped,"you're lucky you met me." Linda warned me not to be concerned about the sounds of deer and armadillo in the night and went off to bed.
9.2 ave - 1370.1 odo - 3:49:31 time