Comstock - 30.82 miles

The local mechanic/beer fan picked up the phone and asked, "what are you wearing?" I think he was talking to a friend because now they're talking about boat motors. Plus on speakerphone he/she didn't sound too feminine. To be fair he likes to fish. His buddy, Martin, calls again.
"What are you wearing now?"
This is Comstock. We're staying on the lawn of the baptist church. The neighborhood is quiet and the birds sing. Country music plays on the TV. The church is currently without Pastor.
the canyon at my back
touching through the tint
rainbow reflected in reflector
blackness up between the pebbles
like lint between my toes
smooth surface
1301.0 odo - 9.3 ave - 27.7 max - 3:17:55 time
Haha. I'm way too amused by typos. The other day I was reading something on the state website and noticed that it said "the pubic service delivery system" Oh my.
Austin, eh? When do you suspect you'll reach Austin?
I suspect that within a week I will be in Austin. I'm taking a rest day here in Del Rio. Pubic... quite risque(hope that's spelled right).