Dayton - 60.58 miles

Did I forget to put sunscreen on my arms? They're awfully red. In other news my parent's old camera should be arriving in Basile on Thursday. I'm excited. I've gotten really attached to photography on this trip. Additionally, I listened to classic rock while taking a bath. Now I'm listening to a station that boasts "The Mix" in the dining room of The First Baptist Church's "Blue House". Instead of letting me camp on their lawn, they let me stay in one of their houses. I spoke with Jeff and Teeny who tried to convince me to go on a kayaking expedition that I couldn't afford. Jeff said I could mow lawns while I'm riding the rest of the way to Florida. You have to hand it to him for his creativity. I was also extended a courtesy invite to take the Yukon River from Johnson's Crossing to Dawson or Whitehorse. I can't remember, but I'll be working anyway. Wisps of summer keep finding their way to me. Before I know it I'll be back in Sitka enjoying burrito day.
9.6 ave - 22.3 max - 1934.1 odo - 6:15:23 time


Anonymous said…
I can't wait to be back in Sitka enjoying burrito day. I hope you are having a wonderful biking day!
Anonymous said…
Yay for burrito day!

Sitka misses both of you!

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