Kerrville - 46.19 miles

Just because the time "sprang" forward an hour doesn't mean I lost any sleep. Since Jon went ahead, I've lost most of my traditional sense of time. I wake up when I want to or when I hear rain on my tent and wonder if everything is tucked under far enough. I walked over to see the triathletes of Austin. They greeted me with shaven legs, Ironman tattoos, and coffee. This was excellent coffee made by a marine transportation major. I didn't know such a thing existed. In the daylight I had to relearn what they all looked like without the cloak of darkness and beer. Johnny fed me and sent me off with plenty of accelerade packets and his office machine company card. Everyone has a day job.
droplets dribble on my nose
the road becomes a reflective pool
I love it when it rains
layers soaked through and through
familiar squish between my toes
I love it when it rains
babble begins it ice the street
riding against a river
I love it when it rains
a crying out within the dank
shivers flash lightning against the wall
I love it when it stops
I'm at St. Paul's United Methodist Church. I'm inside eating freshly baked peanut butter cookies and lean cuisine, listening to the rain. I'm glad I'm sheltered, considering the thunder and lightening that's picked up. My clothes are slowly drying on chairs here in the parlour. I've never known a church with a parlour. I'm not sure if I've been in a parlour. Instructed to keep the lights low so I wouldn't attract the police's attention, I'm sleeping on the couch. Perhaps the most adventurous part of this trip is never knowing where I'm going to sleep.
9.6 ave - 32.8 max - 1510.2 odo - 4:45:43 time
You are an INSPIRATION!!!!!!
Love you.