LaGrange - 41.15 miles

I imagined so many seemingly poetic things to write as I was riding. Something about clouds and wildflowers, but I can't remember now. The songs I sing while riding range from "Let's get it on" to "The Hallelujah Chorus". Howerver, usually it is a blessed Regina Spektor song stuck in my head. Bastrop and Buescher State Parks are worth the ride if you've never been and live in the Austin area. They are the home of the lost pines. They just don't know how they got there. A couple of local teens greeted me at First Presbyterian Church and pointed me in the direction of the parsonage. Unfortunatly Mrs. Lee has bronchitis and appologized for being antisocial, but I set up my tent hidden behind the building with the help of the two girls. I visited the house to get cleaned up and then ate and chatted with Walt. He was surprised I knew about the PCUSA, but I did just graduate from a PCUSA school. I've just been updating in the church office and I checked my google analytics account that Jake hooked me up with a couple weeks ago. That's right. I'm watching you. I'm particularly curious about the 6 visits from Europe and the hit from Bancalari. Just as I was done with my usual check in's on the nephew pics, the computer decided it had had enough for the day. Poor old computers. I should head to bed so that I can wake up in the morning. I remember what I was going to say now... "the wind and I decided to go in different directions today"
7.6 ave - 32.8 max - 1695.7 odo - 5:20:57 time
i will have to visit that area in the summer!