Round Top - 18.49 miles

I quickly sped past the smallest Catholic church. I did not stop. I was on a mission. Today was the day of Round Top. For months I've heard constantly about the Round Top Cafe's pie. I arrived and it was closed. As a consolation prize, they offered me beer. I accepted and decided to wait until 11 the next morning. I better not be disappointed. In the meantime nothing much else is open in Round Top, the smallest (77) incorporated town ?in Texas?, on a Tuesday. I went to the library and uploaded pictures. I wrote a few postcards. I horned in on a cub scout meeting. In an essence, I've been bored. I want to get on the road, but I've already waited this long. Jeff Bedd better not have built this pie up too big...
8.5 ave - 26.8 max - 1714.2 odo - 2:09:24 time