Monticello - 32.83 miles

I wasn't in a hurry to leave. I missed being around liberal twenty somethings. After I woke up I chatted with some guy whose name I'm sorry I can't remember, but I think it started with an R. We spoke of many things while I avoided packing and leaving, including a proposed trip from Tallahassee to Anchorage. He and some other Harry Potter following would load up a van and drive to Alaska while listening to the first 6 books. Timing arrival with the release of the final book, they would read the last of the saga over a few days in a cabin in the wild. He confessed that the trip probably wouldn't happen. Our lives get in the way of our hobbies. Eventually I moved the couple of blocks to the bike show where the mechanic who misses the Colorado air, investigated my clicking noise. He decided that it was actually from inside of the frame, that it wasn't hurting anything, and it might be cured with linseed oil, I'll deal with that later. Stopping then at Black Dog Coffee Shop I was comforted by the automatic use of a mug. A bagel and carrot cake gave me fuel for the hills to Monticello. At a gas station I drank oj and chatted with a spry older man who was blind in one eye. He lives on a co-op, knew Justin, and was looking for a captain he could stoke for on a tandem cross-country tour. It seemed everyone knew Justin and spoke very highly of him. Diane and Maria's farm in Monticello was the breeding ground for goats and Chihuahuas. Two goats were born a couple of days ago from a virgin mother. Their names are Mary and Virgil. Funny things happen on this farm.
10.6 ave - 30.9 max - 2798 odo - 3:04:36 time