St. Francisville - 51.76 miles

Today's riding was absolutely pleasant. 95% of the time the roads had nearly no traffic and the scenery was scenic. Part of the time I was following some series of signs that mark the MRT bicycle route. I don't know what that is for though. I was anxious to see the Mississippi, so before my crossing I stopped to eat peaches. I took the short road over the levy to a ferry route that wasn't running. I was immediately sucked into memories of the Yukon River. I was quickly pulled out as I waked because I startled a gator down in the swampy section between river and levy. But seeing that I was far away and no threat, it climbed back onto its log. I continued on to ride past what seemed like hundreds of cute little white churches with adjacent graves. There were some cattle and some corn fields. With perfect timing, I caught the ferry that took me across the Mississippi to St. Francisville. The ride was quite reminiscent of the Dawson ferry rides. It made me want to go on a canoing trip. The town is quite pleasant and I look forward to exploring the grounds of the Episcopal Church where they were gracious enough to let me sleep in their church hall on sofa cushions. They also let me use their shower and do something normal like drink a Wisconsin Amber while watching baseball.
9.9 ave - 28.2 max - 2266 odo - 5:11:52 time