Wade - 55.0 miles

As I sit 10 miles from the Alabama border in Wade on the cott provided to me, I'm trying to reflect on the day. Nothing exceedingly specific happened on my ride today. One boy told me I was his new role model. Then 10 minutes later some child threw something that left a white powdery mark out of a school bus window at me. I met James Dean in Larue. Shortly after that I met a vanfull of people lost trying to find their way to the Crawfish Festival. I spoke with some folks back in Sitka and I wished I could be back in a place that celebrates Earth Day for a week. Sitka may be small, but it does some things better than anywhere else. I missed the entire spring season of Monthly Grinds. But I must finsih my trip, find my turtles somewhere in the room, and go to sleep early.
11.7 ave - 25.2 max - 2428.7 odo - 4:40:07 time
P.S. Your ass must be in fantastic shape these days. Mine continues to spread...:)