San Diego

It was extremely convienent when Carl rolled his cart over to my disarray of bike parts and luggage. He was intrigued. He wanted the bag I needed to get rid of. He asked if it was in good condition. It was except for where I'd ducted taped over a tear. I told him this. Then another man wanted my bike box. Glad I didn't have to worry about where that was supposed to go. At that point in time the two security guys came out and ed at the door. Finally I rode my bike with its mildly pumped tires and crooked handlebars to the hostel. At 3:00 am I fell asleep vowing to repair these sins against my bike in the morning.

I woke before the others, though they were all asleep before me. I was hungry. I strolled...more shuffled stiffly still unshowered through the boldly colored halls. Pancakes were happening. I wasn't really sure what the protocol was, but as soon as a griddle was available, I was pouring mix onto it. More interesting people and word that an Austrailian was starting a tour to New Yourk from this hostel. I was also told he had at least a hundred lbs. of gear. Ouch. I saw his bike on the rack. Terry saddle and it was dressed the way a cyclist with a hundred pounds of gear would dress a bike.


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